You want a great tasting cigar and you want an affordable price. Without going broke, you to can enjoy the great taste of a cigar without spending a fortune. Phillies cigars offer you an alternative to the more expensive cigars without losing taste and flavor. The fillers and wrappers come from the same place more expensive cigar fillers and wrappers come from, but they have a cheaper price. They use the same tobacco used in Cohiba, Hoyo de Monterrey and Punch along with many more brands that would surprise you.
The best thing about Phillies cigars happens to be the price. When buying these cigars over another brand, you might save upwards of a hundred dollars depending on how many you buy. The lower price for Phillies cigars comes from the minimal cost of labor needed to produce the cigars. They have less waste and low labor costs, which they pass onto the connoisseur.
This does not mean that you give up quality; it just means they look out for the consumer and want you to be able to share in the good taste they produce. The Phillies cigars come with some of the most popular fillers found in the Dominican and Cuba along with cigar shop
Something we all might know, is the affordable price of the Phillies cigars fillers is also suitable for leafing, shliffing, packing and cracking along with use as a filler for cannabis. Do not think this means there is an association between cannabis and Phillies cigars because this would be a misconception. This just means people have used it as a filler, you no what I mean.
Why buy a high priced cigar when Phillies cigars offer the same quality taste without the high price. You can enjoy a smooth tasting cigar without the price tags on some of the other brands of cigars, which in all honesty, compare very well to other this brand. Do not let yourself fall into the same boat everyone else falls into, get a perfect cigar without losing your shirt.