You are on the curve already. Most YouTube videos get only a few hundred views a day. However, if you learn to promote YouTube videos the right way buy youtube comments, eventually you could get the type of traffic that looks quite reserved for big brand and celebrity controlled videos.
The best way to promote your YouTube videos is by becoming an influential force in the video-sharing community. Everyone knows that there are two kinds of people in the world: the ones you see every day, and those who shape and mould society. The ones you see every day are typically your friends, family and other social media contacts. The people on the other end of this spectrum are the influencers. Influencers are the new media faces of brands, and you should try to be one as much as you can.
The best ways to promote your YouTube videos through these channels are through direct promotion. You want to find the people who are the most Facebook friends or most Twitter followers. The first two are great places to start. If you do not have a huge fan base though, YouTube seems to be the best way to go.
The thing about YouTube and SEO videos is that their ranking factors are not very easy to understand. A search engine will not rank a video by its quality, originality and popularity. It is all about the tags and keywords and backlinks. There are a few simple ways to promote your videos though.
If you are promoting your videos for your personal use, like say if it’s an instructional video, then don’t track your analytics. Just broadcast your videos to your friends and let them talk about them. It will give you a better idea of what your viewers are looking for. If you are marketing your own product or service or even someone else’s products and services, it is important to track and analyze how well you are doing in regards to subscribers, views, comments and so forth.
Another reason to not promote your videos with analytics is that the Google page rank of YouTube is pretty high. This means that you won’t rank highly in search engines if people are not aware of your channel. You want to build a community around your channel. The better the community the more successful you will be. This is where you will need to track your stats for SEO purposes.
Now that you know your viewers and subscribers, it is time to focus on getting those subscribers and visitors to your blog or website. One way to do this is by using social media marketing (SMM) tools to promote your channel on other social media sites. There are many popular SMM tools available. I highly recommend considering Social Mention, Twellow and Buffer.
Using SMM can bring in subscribers and viewers to your channel and if you are promoting a lot of videos, then you will get a lot of subscribers. SMM also allows you to interact with your audience and you can promote links to your site from your YouTube channel. This gives you another benefit of getting more views on your website. If you want to know more about how to use SMM, then visit the links below for more information on the subject.
You may also consider creating a YouTube show or documentary to promote your channel. These types of shows are usually syndicated and they cost nothing to produce. They allow you to promote your YouTube channel while entertaining your viewers at the same time. You can advertise when the show is on or you can promote when the episodes are finished.
If you don’t want to have to spend a lot of money to promote your videos, then you can take advantage of Google’s AdSense program. With Google’s AdSense program you can publish as many videos as you want for a flat fee. When your viewers to watch one of your videos, they will see ads from various companies that you recommend. Advertisers choose your videos based on the content you provide, so it is important that you keep your YouTube channel updated with videos that are related to your business.
Finally, you should also focus on building your social media profiles on Facebook and Twitter. Both of these social media platforms offer highly targeted opportunities to promote your YouTube channel. For example, if you are using YouTube for your business promotion, you should make sure that all of your videos are linked from your Facebook page. On the other hand, if you are using Facebook for your business promotion, you should make sure that all of your videos are linked from your Twitter page. Your viewers will enjoy visiting your social media profiles when they see that you are taking the time to promote your YouTube videos.